HVAC Schools

HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. HVAC schools prepare students to repair and maintain heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration units in their state.

HVAC schools are typically found in vocational high schools, trade schools, community colleges, and even the military.

HVAC schools commonly offer diploma/certificate programs or associate degrees. Diploma or certificate programs can take from six months to one year, while associate degrees may take up to two years to complete.

HVAC schools may also assist students in completing their required apprenticeship hours and preparing pupils to pass state licensing exams before they work independently in the trade.

What are some of the topics taught in HVAC schools?

Depending on the depth of knowledge and education earned, examples of the coursework studied by HVAC students include:

  • Air conditioner mechanics
  • Air quality control
  • Analyzation of defected electrical, air conditioner, and refrigeration equipment
  • Boiler maintenance
  • Commercial and residential diagnostic codes
  • Control theory
  • Dampers, ducts, and furnaces
  • Federal EPA regulations
  • Physics- heating and cooling principals
  • Pipe fitting
  • Replacing fuses and breakers
  • Safety practices
  • Voltage
  • Wiring diagrams

Although Goodwin University does not offer an HVAC program, we do offer manufacturing training programs at certificate, associate, and bachelor’s degree levels that will prepare you for a great career using your hands and your mind.

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