Electrician Schools

To become an electrician in any U.S. state, after attending a mandatory apprenticeship, students of the trade must pass a professional licensing exam. Electrician schools are vocational educational institutions that offer either an electrician certificate, a career diploma, or an associate degree in electrical technology. Electrician schools help students prepare for the electrical licensing exam and rewarding career as an electrician. A high school diploma is typically a requirement for admission into an electrician school.

What skills do you learn in an electrician school?

Electrician schools teach the valuable technical skills needed to maintain, operate, and repair the electrical systems that power our society. Electrician students study topics like electrical tools, boxes, and switches, as well as circuits, commercial installation, wiring, appliances, lighting, and panels.

What is the advantage of attending an electrician school?

Attending an electrician school allows students to:

  • Decide if a career as an electrician is the right fit for their future.
  • Complete mandatory licensing requirements through one continuous program.
  • Begin their apprenticeship already having learned the fundamentals of electricity.

Although Goodwin University is not an electrician school, we do offer manufacturing training programs at certificate, associate, and bachelor’s degree levels that will prepare you for a great career using your hands and your mind.

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