Universal Daycare and Pre-k

Universal daycare and pre-k have long been a topic of discussion among policymakers and advocacy groups. High-quality and affordable childcare is an obstacle to many parents who not only need and want to work, but also want to advance their careers by going back to college. Universal daycare and pre-k would significantly impact parents’ ability to achieve a post-secondary higher education.

How do parents balance the demands of work and family?

One of the main arguments for universal daycare is that it would provide much-needed support for parents trying to balance their professional and personal responsibilities. With affordable, high-quality care available, parents would be able to focus on their studies with less worry for their children — making it much easier for parents to pursue a college education.

Why don’t we have universal daycare?

One of the major challenges to implementing universal daycare is the cost. Offering daycare for all children would require a significant investment in terms of funding and building the infrastructure needed to support daycare for all. In addition, the government would need to put in place strict policies and regulations to ensure that children receive the quality of care and support they need. Policymakers are faced with balancing the need for universal daycare with the cost of maintaining the policy over the long term.

At Goodwin University, we believe that everyone deserves access to a college education. That’s why we offer flexible class schedules and classes on campus, online, or hybrid — so you’ll be able to earn your degree on a schedule that fits your unique needs.

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