Residential Life: Security

How Goodwin keeps our campus safe

Emergency call boxes (BLUE LIGHTS)

There are several emergency call boxes with phones located on the grounds of the Goodwin University campus that will, when activated, put you in direct contact with Campus Security. Announce your location and set off the blue strobe light for identification.

The emergency call boxes can be used whenever you need to contact Campus Security or to summon additional help such as police, fire, or medical assistance. These blue lights are to only be used to summon help for an active emergency situation.

Goodwin Security Rover

Goodwin Security is constantly doing rounds in the King Court area throughout the day and night 24/7. The Security Rover’s average response time to King Court is four minutes.

Resident Assistants on campus are on call 7 p.m.-8 a.m., 7 days a week.
Resident Assistants complete nightly rounds of every King Court residential building to maintain the safety and well-being of our students.

Goodwin University Security 860-913-2100

Goodwin University Office of Residential Life and Housing

Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
  • Phone860-727-6968
  • Email