Accreditation is Key: 4 Reasons to Choose an Accredited Nursing Program

Are you interested in pursuing a rewarding career in the nursing field? Fortunately, there are many excellent accredited nursing programs for you to choose from to get you started on your journey as a nurse. Why does it matter if you attend an accredited nursing program vs. a non-accredited program? Here are 4 key reasons to choose a nursing program that is accredited:

  • Rest easy knowing you are receiving a quality nursing education:

Accredited nursing programs are approved and regulated by reputable nursing boards across the U.S. They ensure that a program offers highly valuable, high quality instruction to aspiring nurses. Although non-accredited nursing programs are available and an option, attending an accredited nursing program will give you peace of mind knowing that your curriculum is not only approved, but also credible, being based on state and national nursing standards. In addition, attending an accredited nursing school can ensure you are fully eligible to take the National Council Licensure Exam (NCLEX) examination and become an RN nurse.

Goodwin College’s associate in nursing program is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) and the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). The RN to BSN program at Goodwin College is accredited by the NEASC as well as the Commission on Collegiate Nursing (CCNE). This accreditation ensures that Goodwin’s nursing programs are adhering to regional, national and nursing industry standards.

  • Participate in Financial Aid Opportunities:

A nursing education is an investment in your future. However, the tuition costs and financial aid opportunities could be a big factor in deciding which program to pursue. That is why attending an accredited nursing program is extremely important. If you attend a school that is not accredited, you may not be qualified to receive financial aid. The U.S. Department of Education requires schools to be accredited if they are participating in many federal student aids.

In addition to offering one of the lowest tuition costs among private, non-profit colleges in Connecticut, Goodwin College also offers Financial Aid opportunities to prospective nursing students. Goodwin’s trained team of Financial Aid Advisors can help you build a customized financial aid package that fits with your individual needs. They also will help you identify grant or scholarship opportunities to help offset the cost of Goodwin’s accredited nursing program tuition.

  • Qualify for Advanced Degrees with Other Accredited Programs:

Across the country, there is an increasing emphasis in the nursing industry for higher education. As the health care systems move towards a more competent and proficient system, employers need skilled, educated nurses with more experience and training under their belts. That is why the majority of employers today prefer nurses with a bachelor’s degree. In fact, by 2020, Connecticut can expect 80% of registered nurses to hold their BSN.

Therefore, it’s important that students pursuing a nursing career choose an accredited nursing program that allows them the flexibility to earn their advanced degrees wherever they choose to in the future. If you attend a nursing school that is not accredited, there is a risk that your credits may not transfer to another institution – meaning that you may have to start over again if you want to pursue a BSN or MSN at an accredited nursing school.

  • Compete in a competitive Job Market:

The end goal of nursing school is not only to sit and pass the NCLEX-RN examination, but also to land a career. Throughout its curriculum, an accredited nursing program will students a competitive advantage with its valuable coursework and hands-on training. If you want to stand out in the nursing job market and impress employers, it’s important to choose a credible nursing program.

Many employers look favorably (and hire) nursing graduates who have received an education from an accredited nursing program. This is because their curriculums meet pre-established standards that are nationally recognized for nursing education, and they have a great reputation as a result.

Are you ready to enroll in an accredited nursing program and start the incredible journey to become a nurse, making an impact in people’s lives? Contact Goodwin College today to take the first step. Call 800-889-3282 or visit us online to learn more about our accredited nursing program offerings.