connecticut business administration program

7 Business Administration Skills You Should Master

The business world is a competitive one. If you want to boost your career or jumpstart a new one, you will want to be prepared. Whether you dream of owning your own small business, or wish to climb the corporate ladder, you will need to face the competition head on. The best way to become a successful business administrator? Start with a great education.

With a degree in Business Administration, you can develop and hone the skills that today’s employers are seeking. And the degree is certainly worth the investment. Administrative Services Managers (ASMs), for example, earn a median salary of $96,180 per year. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of ASMs is also growing faster than average. Other business careers, such as operations specialists and analysts, can expect to earn between $60 and $90,000 annually.

Once you have earned a business degree, you will be equipped to handle a career in the industry – no matter which path you choose. But what are those in-demand skills that will help you reach success? Read on for some of the top business administration skills that you’ll want to check off your list.

  1. 1. Leadership

Leadership skills can help you in nearly every profession. Whether you want to run your own hedge fund, launch a political campaign, or own a donut shop, you will benefit from valuable leadership skills. This magical tool will help you take command, inspire change, and make an impact in any endeavor.

  1. Technology Skills

In this day and age, technology skills are necessary to stay relevant in the workplace. The way we communicate is evolving all the time. From email to social media to the next great thing – you will want to stay on the cutting edge of technology. These skills are priceless to employers and clients alike, especially in a computer-centric career like business administration.

  1. Communication

When you enter the workforce, you need to possess great communication skills. This includes listening skills, public speaking, verbal communication, and proper written communication. Warren Buffet once told a group of business students that better communication skills could increase their value by 50 percent. If that doesn’t inspire you to practice some public speaking and teamwork, what will?

  1. Time Management

No matter your specific career path in business administration, you will benefit from some time management skills. When you prove that you can juggle multiple projects at once and still meet your deadlines, you will certainly wow your boss and team members. And when you own your own company, juggling those projects and meeting deadlines will be crucial in staying afloat.

  1. Attention to Detail

The smallest oversight in the world of business can be a make-or-break move. A decimal in the wrong place or an unfortunate typo on a pitch can mean big loss for any organization. This is why attention to detail is so crucial. When you hone this very important skill, you will be successful and edge out the competition.

  1. Problem-Solving

When you are working late with your team, or when you run into a mishap with an important project, you will need to rely on some serious problem-solving skills. And when you work in business – no matter the specialty or role – challenges will inevitably arise. Problem-solving skills show employers that you can take charge and find solutions in these situations.

  1. Organizational Skills

Keeping organized is an important life-skill, but it is especially valuable when it comes to keeping your work in order. From keeping your desk in shape to keeping your tasks prioritized and separated, doing these “little” things everyday will allow you to stay focused on what’s important at that time (and give you more peace of mind in the process).

Whether you want to earn your associate degree or bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, you can master these business administration skills that employers desire. A flexible program, like the business administration degrees offered at Goodwin College, can help you reach your career goals without interfering with your work and family obligations. Classes are offered days, nights, and weekends, too. You can choose to study in class, online, or in a hybrid format (a mix of the two).

If you would like to learn more about the programs at Goodwin College, call 1-800-889-3282 today.