Hybrid Nursing Programs

What is a hybrid nursing program?

A hybrid nursing program is an educational option that combines in‑person classes and clinicals with online courses. This type of program can be beneficial for students balancing school, work, and family. Both aspiring and established nurses can benefit from flexibility in their degree programs.

How can nurses benefit from a hybrid nursing program?

Many nurses go back to school to gain additional degrees and education to have an increased number of opportunities in their careers. A hybrid nursing program allows established nurses to enroll in accelerated courses that build onto the skills they’ve already earned. Some hybrid nursing programs even allow nurses to complete their in‑person sessions while at work.

At Goodwin University, we offer numerous degrees and accelerated programs for nurses to pursue. Our master’s degree in Nursing programs consists of both immersive in‑person instructions and clinicals as well as online coursework and classes. Along with the flexibility of online and in‑person learning opportunities, Goodwin offers day, evening, and weekend class schedules.

Pursing your professional nursing career can fit into your everyday schedule; allow Goodwin to help you design your path to a fulfilling career.

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